Ronald Roesch, Patricia A. Zapf, Stephen L. Golding, and Jennifer L. Skeem
Competency to stand trial is a concept of jurisprudence allowing the postponement of
criminal proceedings for those defendants who are considered unable to participate in
their defense on account of mental or physical disorder or retardation. Because trial
competency issues are raised substantially more often than the insanity defense,
psychologists involved in forensic assessment and consultation are likely to have
frequent experience with it. It is estimated that between 25,000 and 39,000 competency
evaluations are conducted in the United States annually (Hoge et al., 1997; Steadman &
Hartstone, 1983). Stated somewhat differently, between 2% and 8% of all felony
defendants are referred for competency evaluations (Bonnie, 1992; Golding, 1993;
Hoge, Bonnie, Poythress, & Monahan, 1992). Given a steady increase in felony arrest
rates, the rate of competency referrals is increasingly steadily as well. In this chapter,
we will present an overview of competency laws, research, and methods of assessment
with the aim of providing forensic psychologists with the basic information they need to
conduct competency evaluations. We do not believe, however, that this chapter will
sufficiently prepare a novice forensic psychologist to carry out such evaluations. As we
will make clear, the issues surrounding a competency determination are highly complex.
An evaluator needs not only a high level of clinical knowledge and skills but also
considerable knowledge of the legal system.
We urge the reader interested in pursuing work in the competency area to supplement
this chapter with other materials (e.g., Bonnie, 1992, 1993; Grisso, 1992; Melton,
Petrila, Poythress, & Slobogin, 1987; Ogloff, Wallace, & Otto, 1991; Roesch, Ogloff, &
Golding, 1993; Roesch, Hart, & Zapf, 1996; Winick, 1995, 1996) as well as workshops
and other forms of continuing education. The Specialty Guidelines for Forensic
Psychologists (Committee on Ethical Guidelines for Psychologists, 1991) also contain
important practice standards for competency evaluations.
Defining Competency
Provisions allowing for a delay of trial because a defendant was incompetent to proceed
have long been a part of the legal due process. English common law allowed for an
arraignment, trial, judgment, or execution of an alleged capital offender to be stayed if
he or she "be(came) absolutely mad" (Hale, 1736, cited in Silten & Tulis, 1977, p. 1053).
Over time, statutes have been created in the United States and Canada that have
further defined and extended the common law practice (see Davis, 1994; Rogers &
Mitchell, 1991; Verdun-Jones, 1981; and Webster, Menzies, & Jackson, 1982 for
reviews of Canadian competency law and practice). The modern standard in U.S. law
was established in Dusky v. United States (1960). Although the exact wording varies, all
states use a variant of the Dusky standard to define competency (Favole, 1983). In
Dusky, the Supreme Court held that:
It is not enough for the district judge to find that 'the defendant is oriented to time and
place and has some recollection of events', but that the test must be whether he has
sufficient present ability to consult with his lawyer with a reasonable degree of rational
understanding -- and whether he has a rational as well as factual understanding of the
proceedings against him. (p.402)
Although the concept of competency to stand trial has been long established in law, its
definition, as exemplified by the ambiguities of Dusky, has never been explicit. What is
meant by "sufficient present ability"? How does one determine whether a defendant
"has a rational as well as factual understanding"? To be sure, some courts (e.g., Wieter
v. Settle, 1960) and legislatures (e.g., Utah Code Annotated, §77-15-1 et seq., 1994)
have provided some direction to evaluators in the form of articulated Dusky standards
(discussed below), but the typical forensic evaluation is left largely unguided except by a
common principle, in most published cases, that evaluators cannot reach a finding of
incompetency independent of the facts of the legal case (an issue we will return to
The problems in defining and assessing competency leads to a broad range of
interpretations of the Dusky standard. Since the courts and legislatures have given
mental health professionals a large share of the responsibility for defining and
evaluating competency, it should not be surprising to find that mental status issues such
as presence or absence of psychosis have played (historically at least) a dominant role
in the findings of evaluators. In fact, evaluators initially involved in assessing
competency seemed to equate psychosis with incompetency (Cooke, 1969; McGarry,
1965; Roesch & Golding, 1980). Furthermore, evaluators in the past rarely took into
account the specific demands of a defendant's case.
This has begun to change in recent years. Early evaluators were employed typically in
state mental hospitals settings (the site of the majority of competency evaluations at that
time) and had no training either in the assessment of competency or in matters of law.
As a consequence, the evaluations were based on the same standard mental status
examinations that had been used with other patients in the hospital. If psychological
tests were used at all, they were used as a diagnostic tool to determine presence or
absence of psychosis.
Over the past 20 years, these entrenched practices have been challenged and
changed. Thus, research provided evidence that the presence of psychosis was not
sufficient by itself for a finding of incompetency (Roesch & Golding, 1980), and modern
empirical studies of competency reports demonstrate that evaluators rarely make that
simple conceptual error (Heilbrun & Collins, 1995; Nicholson, LaFortune, Norwood, &
Roach, 1995; Skeem, Golding, Cohn, & Berge, 1997). However, while forensic
evaluators today typically have more training than in the past, most states still do not
require forensic evaluator training (Farkas, DeLeon, & Newman, 1996) and examiners
are usually only "occasional experts" (Grisso, 1987).
The specific psycholegal abilities required of a defendant are the most important aspect
of assessing fitness. The contextual nature of competence has been explored by
researchers in the area. Some researchers and scholars have argued that competence
should be considered within the context in which it is to be used. For example, the
abilities required by the defendant in his or her specific case should be taken into
account when assessing competence. This contextual perspective was summarized by
Golding and Roesch (1988) as follows:
Mere presence of severe disturbance (a psychopathological criterion) is only a threshold
issue--it must be further demonstrated that such severe disturbance in this defendant,
facing these charges, in light of existing evidence, anticipating the substantial effort of a
particular attorney with a relationship of known characteristics, results in the defendant
being unable to rationally assist the attorney or to comprehend the nature of the
proceedings and their likely outcome. (p. 79)
The importance of a contextual determination of specific psycholegal abilities has been
repeatedly demonstrated by empirical findings that assessed competencies in one area
of functioning are rarely homogenous with competencies in other areas of functioning
(Bonnie, 1992; Golding & Roesch, 1988; Grisso, Appelbaum, Mulvey, & Fletcher, 1995;
Skeem et al., 1997).
Recent Supreme Court decisions in both the United States and Canada, however, have
confused this issue by finding that the standard by which competency to be judged is
not context-specific. In Whittle v. The Queen (1994) the Supreme Court of Canada ruled
that there is to be only one standard for competency regardless of the specific abilities
to be performed by an accused. The Supreme Court of Canada concluded that there is
no difference between the essential abilities needed in making active choices about
waiving counsel, making decisions at trial, confessing, or pleading guilty. The Court
ruled that different standards of competency should not be applied for different aspects
of criminal proceedings and that the test to be used is one of "limited cognitive capacity"
(p. 567) in each of these circumstances. However, unlike Godinez v. Moran (1993; see
below), the forensic examiners had actually evaluated Mr. Whittle in these specific
contexts, regardless of whether or not the standard to be applied was the same or
different as a function of the context.
In Godinez v. Moran (1993), the United States Supreme Court held similarly that the
standard for the various types of competency (i.e., competency to plead guilty, to waive
counsel, to stand trial) should be considered the same. Justice Thomas wrote for the
The standard adopted by the Ninth Circuit is whether a defendant who seeks to plead
guilty or waive counsel has the capacity for "reasoned choice" among the alternative
available to him. How this standard is different from (much less higher than) the Dusky
standard -- whether the defendant has a 'rational understanding' of the proceedings -- is
not readily apparent to us. ... While the decision to plead guilty is undeniably a profound
one, it is no more complicated than the sum total of decisions that a defendant may be
called upon to make during the course of a trial.Nor do we think that a defendant who
waives his right to the assistance of counsel must be more competent than the defendant who
does not, since there is no reason to believe that the decision to waive counsel requires an
appreciably higher level of mental functioning than the decision to waive other constitutional
rights. (p. 2686)
In his dissent, Justice Blackmun noted that the "majority's analysis is contrary to both common
sense and long-standing case law" (p. 2691). He reasoned that competency cannot be considered
in a vacuum, separate from its specific legal context. Justice Blackmun argued that "competency
for one purpose does not necessarily translate to competency for another purpose" (p. 2694) and
noted that prior Supreme Court cases have "required competency evaluations to be specifically
tailored to the context and purpose of a proceeding" (p. 2694). What is egregiously missing from
the majority's opinion in Godinez however, is the fact that, unlike Whittle, Moran's competency
to waive counsel or plead guilty to death penalty murder charges was never assessed by the
forensic examiners, regardless of which standard (rational choice or rational understanding) was
The Godinez holding has been subsequently criticized by legal scholars (Perlin, 1996) and courts
alike. In the words of the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, "This difficult case presents us with a
window through which to view the real-world effects of the Supreme Court's decision in
Godinez v. Moran, and it is not a pretty sight" (Government of the Virgin Islands v. Charles,
1995). The problem is not whether or not the standards for various psycholegal competencies are
higher, different, or the same, but rather, more fundamentally, whether or not the defendant has
been examined with respect to these issues in the first place.
Standards of competence are one area of inquiry whereas the conceptualization of competence is
another. Some researchers and scholars have provided re-conceptualizations of competence to
stand trial. Winick (1985, 1995) persuasively argued that in some circumstances it may be in the
best interests of the defendant to proceed with a trial, even if he or she is incompetent. Winick
postulated that this could take the form of a provisional trial wherein the support of the defense
attorney would serve to ensure protection of the defendant. This would allow the defendant to
proceed with his or her case while maintaining decorum in the courtroom and without violating
the defendant's constitutional rights. As well, Bonnie (1992, 1993) has provided a reformulation
of competence to stand trial. Bonnie proposed a distinction between two types of competencies--
competence to assist counsel and decisional competence. He argued that defendants found
incompetent to assist counsel would be barred from proceeding until they were restored to
competence. Defendants found decisionally incompetent, on the other hand, may be able to
proceed in certain cases where his or her lawyer is able to present a defense.
The past 15 years has also seen the development of better training programs for professionals in
forensic psychology and psychiatry. Many graduate psychology programs and law schools
cooperate to provide instruction in psychology as well as law, and a number of departments of
psychology include forensic psychology as an area of expertise (Bersoff et al., 1997; Roesch,
Grisso, & Poythress, 1986).
Another major change has been the shift in the location of competency assessments. Roesch and
Golding (1980) argued that inpatient evaluation, which was the common practice until recently,
is unnecessary in all but perhaps a small percentage of cases as most determinations of
competency can easily be made on the basis of brief screening interviews (to be discussed later
in this chapter). Community-based settings, including jails and mental health centers (see
Fitzgerald, Peszke, & Goodwin, 1978; Melton, Weithorn, & Slobogin, 1985; Ogloff & Roesch,
1992; Roesch & Ogloff, 1996) appear to be increasingly used to conduct evaluations. In 1994,
Grisso and his colleagues published the results of a national survey they had conducted to
determine the organization of pretrial forensic evaluation services in the United States (Grisso,
Coccozza, Steadman, Fisher, & Greer, 1994). These researchers concluded that "the traditional
use of centrally located, inpatient facilities for obtaining pretrial evaluations survives in only a
minority of states, having been replaced by other models that employ various types of outpatient
approaches" (p. 388). One compelling reason for this shift is cost. Laben, Kashgarian, Nessa, and
Spencer (1977) estimated that the cost of the community based evaluations they conducted in
Tennessee was one-third the cost of the typical mental hospital evaluation (see also Fitzgerald,
Peszke, & Goodwin, 1978). In 1985, Winick estimated that in excess of $185 million is spent
each year on competency evaluation and treatment in the United States. He estimated that these
costs could currently be two to three times as high as they were in 1985 (Winick, 1996).
The widespread use of screening instruments would serve to lower these rising costs as the
majority of individuals, for whom incompetence is clearly not an issue, would be screened out.
Only those defendants whom the screening instrument has identified as potentially incompetent
would then be sent on for a more formal assessment of competence. Screening instruments can
be administered in outpatient settings as well as in local jails or courthouses, thereby also serving
to eliminate the unnecessary detention of clearly competent individuals.
Base rates for competency referrals (from 2% to 8% of felony arrests) and for incompetency
determinations (from 7% to 60%) vary widely across jurisdictions and evaluation settings
(Nicholson & Kugler, 1991; Skeem, Golding, Cohn & Berge, 1997). This occurs for a number of
reasons including variations in examiner training and use of forensically relevant evaluation
procedures (Skeem et al., 1997), the availability of pretrial mental health services, the nature of
the referral system, inadequate treatment services for the chronically mentally ill and a
criminalization of their conduct, and the extent to which judges scrutinize bona fide doubt about
a defendant's competency before granting evaluation petitions (Golding, 1992). Nevertheless, the
modal jurisdiction typically finds only 20% of those referred incompetent to proceed with their
trial. Precise data are not available, but conservatively, half of those found competent presented
little or no reason for doubting their competency and could have been detected by adequate
screening procedures. This is true in the United States as well as in other countries. Zapf and
Roesch (in press) investigated the rate of (in)competence in individuals remanded to an inpatient
setting for an assessment of fitness to stand trial in Canada. Their results indicate that only 11%
of the remands were unfit to stand trial and, further, that with the use of a brief screening
interview 82% of the remands could have been screened out at some earlier time as they were
clearly fit to stand trial (Zapf & Roesch, 1997). Many of the assessment procedures we describe
later in this chapter are either explicitly designed for screening or could easily be adapted for use
in such settings.
A major change in the past few decades has been the development of a number of instruments
specifically designed for assessing competence. This work was pioneered by McGarry and his
colleagues (see Lipsitt, Lelos, & McGarry, 1971; McGarry, 1965; McGarry & Curran 1973).
Their work was the starting point for a more sophisticated and systematic approach to the
assessment of competency. In 1986, Grisso coined the term "forensic assessment instrument"
(FAI) to refer to instruments that provides frameworks for conducting forensic assessments.
FAIs are typically semi-structured elicitation procedures and lack the characteristics of many
traditional psychological tests. However, they serve to make forensic assessments more
systematic. These instruments help evaluators to collect important and relevant information and
to follow the decision-making process that is required under the law. Since the time that the term
was coined, a number of assessment instruments have been developed that are designed to work
in this way, and it appears that the use of FAIs has been slowly increasing (Borum & Grisso,
1995; but see Skeem et al.'s 1997 finding that few occasional experts use such devices). This
trend is encouraging in that empirical data suggest that trained examiners using FAIs achieve the
highest levels of inter-examiner and examiner-adjudication agreement (Golding, Roesch, &
Schreiber, 1984; Nicholson & Kugler, 1991; Skeem et al., 1997). Before turning to a review of
assessment methods, we will provide a brief overview of the legal procedures involved in
competency questions.
Overview of Procedures
Laws regarding competency vary from state to state, although most jurisdictions follow
procedures similar to the overview we will describe in this section. Clinicians should consult
their own statute for the specific law and procedure applicable in each state .
The issue of competency may be raised at any point in the adjudication process (Golding &
Roesch, 1988). If a court determines that a bona fide doubt exists as to a defendant's competency,
it must consider this issue formally (Drope v. Missouri, 1975; Pate v. Robinson, 1966), usually
after a forensic evaluation which can take place, as we noted, in the jail, an outpatient facility, or
in an institutional setting.
One legal issue that may concern evaluators is whether information obtained in a competency
evaluation can be used against a defendant during the guilt phase of a trial or at sentencing.
While some concerns have been raised about possible self-incrimination (Berry, 1973; Pizzi,
1977), all jurisdictions in the United States and Canada provide either statutorily or through case
law that information obtained in a competency evaluation cannot be introduced on the issue of
guilt unless the defendant places his or her mental state into evidence at either trial or at
sentencing hearings (Estelle v. Smith, 1981; Golding & Roesch, 1988) .
Once a competency evaluation has been completed and the written report submitted (see Melton
et al., 1987; Petrella & Poythress, 1983; Skeem et al., 1997, for a discussion of the content of
these reports), the court may schedule a hearing. If however, both the defense and the
prosecution accept the findings and recommendations in the report, a hearing does not have to
take place. It is likely that in the majority of the states, a formal hearing is not held for most
cases. If a hearing is held, the evaluators may be asked to testify, but most hearings are quite
brief and usually only the written report of an evaluator is used. In fact, the majority of hearings
last only a few minutes and are held simply to confirm the findings of evaluators (Steadman,
1979). The ultimate decision about competency rests with the court, which is not bound by the
evaluators' recommendations (e.g., North Dakota v. Heger, 1982). In most cases, however, the
court accepts the recommendations of the evaluators (Hart & Hare, 1992; Steadman, 1979;
Williams & Miller, 1981).
At this point defendants found competent proceed with their case. For defendants found
incompetent, either trials are postponed until competency is regained or the charges are
dismissed, usually without prejudice. The disposition of incompetent defendants is perhaps the
most problematic area of the competency procedures. Until the case of Jackson v. Indiana
(1972), virtually all states allowed the automatic and indefinite commitment of incompetent
defendants. In Jackson, the U.S. Supreme Court held that defendants committed solely on the
basis of incompetency "cannot be held more than the reasonable period of time necessary to
determine whether there is a substantial probability that he will attain that capacity in the
foreseeable future" (p. 738). The Supreme Court did not specify how long a period of time would
be reasonable nor did it indicate how progress toward the goal of regaining competency could be
The Jackson decision led to revisions in state statutes to provide for alternatives to commitment
as well as limits on the length of commitment (Roesch & Golding, 1980). The length of
confinement varies from state to state, with some states having specific time limits (e.g., 18
months) while other states base length of treatment on a proportion of the length of sentence
which would have been given if the defendant was convicted.
Once defendants are found incompetent, they may have only limited rights to refuse treatment
(see Winick, 1983 for a review). Medication is the most common form of treatment, although
some jurisdictions have established treatment programs designed to increase understanding of
the legal process (e.g., Pendleton, 1980; Webster, Jenson, Stermac, Gardner, & Slomen, 1985),
or that confront problems that hinder a defendant's ability to participate in the defense (Davis,
1985; Siegel & Elwork, 1990).
This brief overview of the competency procedures is intended to provide a basic understanding
of the process. For a more complete discussion of the legal issues as well as a review of
empirical research on the various aspects of the competency procedures, the reader is referred to
reviews by Golding and Roesch (1988), Nicholson and Kugler (1991), Roesch et al. (1993), and
Winick (1996).
Assessing Competency
Though there has been some confusion over the definition of competency, there nevertheless
appears to be generally good agreement between evaluators about whether a defendant is
competent or not. The few studies of reliability that have been completed report that pairs of
evaluators agree in 80% or more of the cases (Goldstein & Stone, 1977; Poythress & Stock,
1980; Roesch & Golding, 1980; Skeem et al., 1997). When evaluators are highly trained and use
semi-structured competence assessment instruments, even higher rates of agreement have been
reported (Golding et al., 1984; Nicholson & Kugler, 1991).
When base rates of findings of competency are considered, however, these high levels of
agreement are less impressive and they do not suggest that evaluators are necessarily in
agreement about the criteria for a determination of competency. A psychologist, without even
directly assessing a group of defendants, could achieve high levels of agreement with an
examining clinician, simply by calling all defendants competent (base-rate decision). Since in
most jurisdictions, approximately 80% of all referred defendants are competent (for reasons
discussed later in this chapter), the psychologist and the examiner would have modest agreement,
even with making no decisions at all (though the problem of base rates can be corrected through
the use of certain statistics such as Kappa, the studies reporting reliability usually have small
samples overall and consequently very few incompetent defendants). Most disturbingly, Skeem
and her colleagues (1997) demonstrated that examiner agreement on specific psycholegal deficits
(as opposed to overall competency) averaged only 25% across a series of competency domains.
It is the more difficult decisions, involving cases where competency is truly a serious question,
that are of concern. How reliable are decisions about these cases? To date, no study has
accumulated enough of these cases to answer this question.
High levels of reliability do not, of course, ensure that valid decisions are being made. Two
evaluators could agree that the presence of psychosis automatically leads to a finding of
incompetency. As long as the evaluators are in agreement about their criteria for determining
psychosis, the reliability of their final judgments about competency will be high. As we suggest
throughout this chapter, it is quite possible that the criteria used by too many evaluators
inappropriately rely on traditional mental status issues without considering the functional aspects
of a particular defendant's case.
Validity is, of course, difficult to assess because of the criterion problem. Criterion-related
validity is usually assessed by examining concurrent validity and predictive validity (Messick,
1980). Predictive validity is impossible to assess fully because only defendants who are
considered competent are allowed to proceed. It is feasible to look at the predictive validity of
decisions about competent defendants, but not possible, of course, to assess the decisions about
incompetent defendants, since they are referred for treatment and judicial proceedings are
suspended. Concurrent validity is also difficult to determine because it does not make sense to
look simply at correlations with other measures (e.g., diagnosis, intelligence) if one adopts a
functional, case by case, assessment of a defendant's competency. For these reasons, then, there
is no "correct" decision against which to compare judgments.
As we have indicated, the courts usually accept mental health judgments about competency.
Does this mean that the judgments are valid? Not necessarily, since courts often accept the
evaluator's definition of competency and his or her conclusions without review, leading to very
high levels of examiner-judge agreement (Hart & Hare, 1992; Skeem et al., 1997). We have
argued (Roesch & Golding, 1980) that the only ultimate way of assessing the validity of
decisions about incompetency is to allow defendants who are believed to be incompetent to
proceed with a trial anyway. This could be a provisional trial (on the Illinois model) in which
assessment of a defendant's performance could continue. If a defendant was unable to participate,
then the trial could be stopped. If a verdict had already been reached and the defendant was
convicted, the verdict could be set aside.
We suspect that in a significant percentage of trials alleged incompetent defendants will be able
to participate. In addition to the obvious advantages to defendants, the use of a provisional trial
could provide valuable information about what should be expected of a defendant in certain
judicial proceedings (e.g., the ability to testify, identify witnesses, describe events, evaluate the
testimony of other witnesses, etc.). Short of a provisional trial, it may be possible to address the
validity issue by having independent experts evaluate the information provided by evaluators and
other collateral information sources. We have used this technique in our research and will
discuss this later in the chapter. In the next section, we will review various methods for assessing
The Functional Evaluation Approach
We believe the most reasonable approach to the assessment of competency is based on a
functional evaluation of a defendant's ability matched to the contextualized demands of the case.
While an assessment of the mental status of a defendant is important, it is not sufficient as a
method of evaluating competency. Rather, the mental status information must be related to the
specific demands of the legal case, as has been suggested by legal decisions such as the ones
involving amnesia. As in the case of psychosis, a defendant with amnesia is not per se
incompetent to stand trial, as has been held in a number of cases (e.g., Ritchie v. Indiana, 1984;
Wilson v. United States, 1968). In Missouri v. Davis (1983), the defendant had memory
problems due to brain damage. Nevertheless, the Missouri Supreme Court held that amnesia by
itself was not a sufficient reason to bar the trial of an otherwise competent defendant. In Montana
v. Austed (1983), the court held that the bulk of the evidence against the defendant was physical
and not affected by amnesia. Finally, in a Maryland decision (Morrow v. Maryland, 1982), the
court held that, because of the potential for fraud, amnesia does not justify a finding of
incompetence. The court also stated that everyone has amnesia to some degree since the passage
of time erodes memory. These decisions are of interest because they support the view that
evaluators cannot reach a finding of incompetency independent of the facts of the legal case--an
issue we will return to later. Similarly, a defendant may be psychotic and still be found
competent to stand trial if the symptoms do not impair the defendant's functional ability to
consult with his or her attorney and otherwise rationally participate in the legal process.
Some cases are more complex than others and may, as a result, require different types of
psycholegal abilities. Thus, it may be that the same defendant is competent for one type of legal
proceeding but not for others. In certain cases, a defendant may be required to testify. In this
instance, a defendant who is likely to withdraw in a catatonic like state may be incompetent. But
the same defendant may be able to proceed if the attorney intends to plea bargain (the way in
which the vast majority of all criminal cases are handled.)
The functional approach is illustrated in the famous amnesia case of Wilson v. United States
(1968). In that decision, the Court of Appeals held that six factors should be considered in
determining whether a defendant's amnesia impaired the ability to stand trial:
1. The extent to which the amnesia affected the defendant's ability to consult with and assist his
2. The extent to which the amnesia affected the defendant's ability to testify in his own behalf.
3. The extent to which the evidence in suit could be extrinsically reconstructed in view of the
defendant's amnesia. Such evidence would include evidence relating to the crime itself as well as
any reasonable possible alibi.
4. The extent to which the Government assisted the defendant and his counsel in that
5. The strength of the prosecution's case. Most important here will be whether the Government's
case is such as to negate all reasonable hypotheses of innocence. If there is any substantial
possibility that the accused could, but for his amnesia, establish an alibi or other defense, it
should be presumed that he would have been able to do so.
6. Any other facts and circumstances which would indicate whether or not the defendant had a
fair trial. (Wilson v. United States, 1968, pp. 463-464).
One could substitute any symptom for amnesia in the above quote. If this were done, the
evaluation of competency would certainly be one based on a determination of the manner in
which a defendant's incapacity may have an effect on the legal proceedings. In fact, some states,
such as Florida (Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure 3.21(a)(1) see Winick, 1983) and Utah
(1994), already specify that the evaluators must relate a defendant's mental condition to clearly
defined legal factors, such as the defendant's appreciation of the charges, the range and nature of
possible penalties, and capacity to disclose to attorney pertinent facts surrounding the alleged
offense (see Winick, 1983). Utah's (1994) statute goes the furthest in this direction, specifying
the most comprehensive range of psycholegal abilities to be addressed by evaluators (including
the iatrogenic effects of medication and decisional competencies) and also requiring judges to
identify specifically which psycholegal abilities are impaired when a defendant is found
The assessment of competency requires consideration of both mental status as well as
psycholegal abilities. Unfortunately, current data indicate that evaluators often do not address an
appropriate range of psycholegal abilities and most often do not tie their psychopathological
observations to their psycholegal conclusions (Skeem et al., 1997). We will now turn to a review
of the history of competency assessment methods.
Measures of Competency
Prior to the 1960s, there were no standard methods for assessing competency. One of the first
was a checklist developed by Robey (1965), which focuses on court process issues such as
understanding of the legal process. Another early procedure used a checklist and a set of
interview questions devised by Bukatman, Foy, and de Grazia (1971). Neither of these early
measures was used often (Schreiber, 1978). By far, the greatest impact on competency
assessment came first from the seminal work of A. Louis McGarry and his colleagues at the
Harvard Medical School's Laboratory of Community Psychiatry. McGarry, a psychiatrist, was
involved in the development of two measures: the Competency Screening Test and the
Competency Assessment Instrument. We will discuss these measures in addition to a number of
other measures that have since been developed.
The Competency Screening Test. The Competency Screening Test (CST) was created by Lipsitt
et al. (1971) as a screening measure to identify clearly competent defendants and thus minimize
the need for lengthy inpatient evaluations. Such a screening process was considered important
because the vast majority of defendants referred for evaluations are competent. The reason is that
many other factors influence referrals, including the use of the evaluation commitment as a
method for denying bail, as a tactical maneuver to delay a trial, as a way of providing a basis for
a reduction in charges or sentences, and as a means of getting defendants who are seen as in need
of mental health treatment out of the jails and into the hospitals (Dickey, 1980; Golding, 1992;
Menzies, Webster, Butler, & Turner, 1980; Roesch & Golding 1985; Teplin, 1984).
The CST, however, has not often been used as a screening device. Many evaluators have not
chosen to use the CST because of various validity considerations. The scoring method has been
criticized (Brakel, 1974; Roesch & Golding, 1980) because of its idealized perception of the
criminal justice system; certain responses may actually reflect a sense of powerlessness in
controlling one's outcome in the legal system and may be based on past experiences with the
legal system.
The CST has been examined in a number of studies. While it has high levels of inter-rater
reliability in terms of scoring the incomplete sentence format (Randolph, Hicks, and Mason,
1981) studies comparing classification based on CST cutoff scores and hospital evaluation
decisions reveal that it has a high false positive rate, i.e., it tends to identify many individuals as
incompetent who are later determined to be competent in hospital evaluations. (Lipsitt et al.,
1971; Nottingham & Mattson, 1981; Randolph, 1981; Shatin, 1979).
The results of these studies lead one to give a mixed review of the CST. While it appears that the
CST is a reliable instrument, serious questions can be raised about its usefulness as a screening
device because of the potential for misclassifying possibly incompetent defendants. At this point,
it is not possible to recommend that it be used as a sole method of screening defendants.
The Competency Assessment Instrument. The most important measure developed by McGarry,
the Competency Assessment Instrument (CAI), contains 13 items related to legal issues. It has
served as the basis for the subsequent forensic assessment instruments. The items include
"appraisal of available legal defenses," "quality of relating to attorney", and "capacity to disclose
pertinent facts...". Each item is scored on a 1 to 5 scale, ranging from "total incapacity" to "no
incapacity." The CAI manual contains clinical examples of levels of incapacity as well as
suggested interview questions.
The CAI has been used in a number of jurisdictions, although perhaps more as an interview
structuring device than in the two-stage screening manner (with the CST) as originally intended
by McGarry (see Laben et al., 1977; Schreiber, 1978). Unfortunately, there are few studies
reporting either reliability or validity data. We used the CAI in a North Carolina study (Roesch
& Golding, 1980). Thirty interviews conducted by pairs of interviewers yielded item percent
agreement ranging from 68.8% to 96.7%, with a median of 81.2%. The interviewers were in
agreement on the competency status of 29 of the 30 defendants (26 competent, 3 incompetent).
The interviewers' decisions were in concordance with the more lengthy hospital evaluation
decisions in 27 of 30 cases, or 90%. In subsequent studies (Golding et al., 1984; others
summarized Nicholson & Kugler, 1991) the CAI has shown high levels of trained inter-examiner
agreement and examiner-outcome agreement. Obviously the CAI appears to hold promise as a
both a screening device and as a full-blown interview. Its primary disadvantage, relative to the
IFI, IFI-R and FIT and FIT-R discussed below is in the range of psycholegal abilities articulated
and its lack of focus on the nexus between psychopathology and psycholegal impairment.
The Interdisciplinary Fitness Interview. The IFI is designed to assess both the legal and
psychopathological aspects of competency (Golding et al., 1984). The original IFI comprised
three major sections: (a) legal issues (5 items); (b) psychopathological issues (11 items); and (c)
overall evaluation (4 items). The three items in the consensual judgment section reflect post-
assessment resolution of differences between judges.
Each of the general items represents an organizing scheme for more specific subareas that have
been seen to influence competency decisions. For example, six subareas are subsumed under the
broad "capacity to appreciate" which forms the core of item 1. These are (a) appreciating the
nature of the state's criminal allegation; (b) ability to provide a reasonable account of one's
behavior prior to, during, and subsequent to the alleged crime; (c) ability to provide an account
of relevant others during the same time period; (d) ability to provide relevant information about
one's own state of mind at the time of the alleged crime, including intentions, feelings, and
cognitions; (e) ability to provide information about the behavior of the police during
apprehension, arrest, and interrogation; and (f) projected ability to provide feedback to an
attorney about the veracity of witness testimony during trial, if a trial is likely to be involved.
Note, however, in line with the open-textured nature of the competency construct, that a
complete enumeration is not possible; rather, an attempt is made to summarize the general "lay
of the land," allowing for specifics to be a matter of personal judgment.
The IFI was designed so that evaluators would have to consider both legal and mental status
issues, but neither in isolation. The format of the IFI requires evaluators to relate their
observations to the specific demands of the legal situations. For each item, evaluators are asked
to rate the degree of incapacity of the defendant, as well as to give the item a score to indicate the
influence that the incapacity might have on the overall decision about competency. Thus, a
defendant may receive a score indicating the presence of hallucinations (item 10) but receive a
low weight score because the evaluator has determined that the presence of hallucinations would
not have much effect on the conduct of the legal case. Another defendant with the same
symptom may receive a high weight score because the hallucinations are considered to be more
of a potential problem during the legal proceedings.
A training manual is available for use of the IFI has been developed as a guide for evaluators.
For each item, the manual provides a set of suggested questions and follow-up probes and also
gives clinical guidance for the handling of typical problems.
Golding et al. (1984) used the IFI in a study of pretrial defendants in the Boston area who were
referred by court clinics to a state mental hospital for competency evaluation. They were
interviewed by teams composed of a lawyer and either a psychologist or a social worker. While
the interviews were conducted jointly, each evaluator independently completed the IFI rating
form. The results demonstrated that judgments about competency can be made in a reliable
manner by lawyers and mental health evaluators. They were in agreement on 97% of their final
determinations of competency. By type of decision, the interviewers found 58 defendants to be
competent, 17 incompetent, and disagreed on the remaining 2 cases.
The IFI has recently been revised (Golding, 1993) to reflect changes in constitutional law and the
adoption by many states of "articulated" competency standards (e.g., Utah, 1994). In its current
form, the Interdisciplinary Fitness Interview-Revised taps 31 relatively specific psycholegal
abilities organized into 11 global domains. The IFI-R was developed on the original model used
by Golding et al. (1984), but was altered to reflect a decade of experience, numerous court
opinions and the accumulated professional literature on competency assessments. For example, it
specifically addresses the issue of the iatrogenic effects of psychotropic medications (Riggins v.
Nevada, 1992), a defendant's decisional competency to engage in rational choice about trial
strategies, proceeding pro se or pleading guilty (see discussion of Godinez v. Moran, 1993,
above) and competency to confess. It was developed to mirror Utah's (1994) new articulated
competency code which mandates that examiners address its 11 global domains. While it has not
yet been empirically studied, a revised and comprehensive training manual is available (Golding,
Golding et al. (1984) also commented on one of the research problems inherent in studies of
competency assessment. Since most defendants are competent (77% in the above study), it is
difficult to obtain a sufficiently large sample of incompetent defendants. It is clear to us that
decisions about most defendants referred for competency evaluations are straightforward -- that
is, they are competent to stand trial, a finding which is evident regardless of the method of
assessment. The potential value of the IFI-R or other structured assessment methods, we believe,
is in assessing defendants whose competency is truly questionable.
The Fitness Interview Test. The Fitness Interview Test (FIT; Roesch, Webster, & Eaves, 1984)
was originally created in 1984 to assess fitness to stand trial in Canada. It has since been
extensively revised and the current version is referred to as the Fitness Interview Test - Revised
(FIT-R; Roesch, Webster, & Eaves, 1994). The FIT-R focuses on the psycholegal abilities of the
individual. The scoring system has been changed to a 3-point scale, with a score of "0" meaning
definite or serious impairment, "1" meaning possible or mild impairment, and "2" meaning no
impairment. As well, the items on the FIT-R were developed to parallel the standards for fitness
that were established in section 2 of the 1992 revision of the Criminal Code of Canada.
The FIT-R takes approximately 30 minutes to administer and consists of a structured interview
which taps into three main areas: (a) the ability to understand the nature or object of the
proceedings, or factual knowledge of criminal procedure, (b) the ability to understand the
possible consequences of the proceedings, or the appreciation of personal involvement in and
importance of the proceedings, and (c) the ability to communicate with counsel, or to participate
in the defense. Each of these three sections is broken down into specific questions which tap into
different areas involved in fitness to stand trial. The first section assesses the defendant's
understanding of the arrest process, the nature and severity of current charges, the role of key
players, legal processes, pleas, and court procedure. The second section assesses the defendant's
appreciation of the range and nature of possible penalties, appraisal of available legal defenses,
and appraisal of likely outcome. The final section assesses the defendant's capacity to
communicate facts to the lawyer, relate to the lawyer, plan legal strategy, engage in his or her
own defense, challenge prosecution witnesses, testify relevantly, and manage courtroom
Recent research indicates that the FIT-R demonstrates excellent utility as a screening instrument
(Zapf & Roesch, 1997). In this study, results of the FIT-R and an institution-based fitness
assessment were compared for 57 defendants remanded to an inpatient psychiatric institution for
an evaluation of fitness. The FIT-R correctly predicted fitness status (i.e., fit or unfit) for 49 of
the 57 individuals. The remaining 8 individuals were judged to be unfit by the FIT-R and fit as a
result of the inpatient assessment. This was to be expected as a screening instrument should
overestimate the rate of unfitness without making any false negative errors. There was 100 %
agreement between the FIT-R and the institution-based assessment for those individuals deemed
fit to stand trial.
The Georgia Court Competency Test (GCCT). The Georgia Court Competency Test (GCCT)
was originally developed by Wildman et al. (1978) and has since gone through a number of
revisions (see Bagby, Nicholson, Rogers, & Nussbaum, 1992; Johnson & Mullet, 1987;
Nicholson, Briggs, & Robertson, 1988; Wildman, White, & Brandenburg, 1990). The original
version consisted of 17 items and the revised version, referred to as the Mississippi State
Hospital Revision (GCCT-MSH) consists of 21 items. The first seven items of the GCCT-MSH
require the defendant to visually identify the location of certain participants in the courtroom.
This is then followed by questions related to the function of certain individuals in the courtroom,
the charges that the defendant is facing, and his or her relationship with the lawyer.
Recent research on the GCCT-MSH has indicated that this instrument displays high levels of
reliability and validity (Nicholson, Robertson, Johnson, & Jensen, 1988). Three factors have
been identified by Nicholson et al. (1988): Courtroom Layout, General Legal Knowledge, and
Specific Legal Knowledge. These same three factors were later replicated by Bagby et al. (1992).
It was later suggested that this three factor solution may only be appropriate for defendants who
have been ordered to undergo assessment at the pretrial stage (Ustad, Rogers, Sewell, &
Guarnaccia, 1996). These researchers indicated that a two-factor solution (Legal Knowledge and
Courtroom Layout) may be more appropriate for defendants who have been adjudicated
incompetent and who are undergoing inpatient treatment to restore competence. The major
drawback of the GCCT-MSH is that it focuses upon foundational competencies and relatively
ignores the more important decisional competencies stressed in the IFI and FIT approaches
(Bonnie, 1992).
The MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool - Criminal Adjudication. The MacArthur
Competence Assessment Tool - Criminal Adjudication (MacCAT-CA; Bonnie, Hoge, Monahan,
& Poythress, 1996) was developed as part of the MacArthur Network on Mental Health and the
Law. This instrument is currently only being released for research purposes. It was developed
from a number of research instruments (see Hoge et al., 1997, for a complete discussion of its
development) and assesses three main abilities: understanding, reasoning, and appreciation.
The MacCAT-CA consists of 22 items and takes approximately 30 minutes to administer. The
basis of the items is a short story about two men who get into a fight and one is subsequently
charged with a criminal offense. The first 8 items assess the individual's understanding of the
legal system. Most of these items consist of two parts. The defendant's understanding is first
assessed and, if it is unsatisfactory or appears to be questionable, the information is then
disclosed to the defendant and his or her understanding is again assessed. This allows the
evaluator to determine whether or not the individual is able to learn disclosed information. The
next 8 items assess the individual's reasoning skills by asking which of two disclosed facts would
be most relevant to the case. Finally, the last 6 items assess the individual's appreciation of his or
her own circumstances. A large study is currently underway to determine national norms for the
Other Specialized Assessment Instruments. In recent years, there has been a move toward the
development of competence assessment instruments for specialized populations of defendants.
We will not go into detail about these specialized instruments here but the reader should be
aware that they exist. Everington (1990) has developed an instrument designed to assess
competence with mentally retarded defendants called the Competence Assessment for Standing
Trial for Defendants with Mental Retardation (CAST-MR) . Recent research on the CAST-MR
has indicated that this instrument shows good reliability and validity (Everington & Dunn, 1995).
Other researchers have focused their efforts on another special population--juvenile defendants
(see Cooper, 1995; Cowden & McKee, 1995). Research in this area has indicated that there
appears to be a negative correlation between age and competency status. That is, younger
defendants are more likely to be found incompetent (Cooper, 1995; Cowden & McKee, 1995).
Guidelines for Evaluators
We conclude our chapter with a discussion of several issues to which an examiner must pay
special attention when conducting an evaluation of competency (see generally, Committee on
Ethical Guidelines for Psychologists, 1991). Even before seeing a defendant face to face, it is
good clinical practice to speak with both the defense and prosecuting attorneys in order to
determine as accurately as possible why the fitness issue was raised, what evidence was offered,
and what sort of trial and dispositional alternatives are being considered by both sides.
All indications of prior mental health contacts should be pursued before the interview takes
place, so that the examiner has as complete a set of mental health records as possible. Similarly,
complete police reports of the alleged crime are necessary and a past criminal history record
helpful, particularly if the defendant has cycled through the criminal justice and mental health
systems several times. Obviously, if the defendant is an inpatient, observational records should
be consulted, as well as all routine psychological test data. Finally, the examiner should maintain
an accurate record of when, where, and how information about the defendant was made
available, as well as a date and time record of all contacts with the defendant, attorneys, and
other mental health professionals. These records are invaluable at later stages if legal tactics
designed to confuse or mislead a witness are attempted.
Having prepared for an examination in this fashion, one can conduct an efficient and
comprehensive interview in a short period of time. Most delays in conducting an evaluation and
most time spent in an inpatient status can thus be avoided, and a more relevant examination
conducted, if these steps are taken. Prior to the interview, the defendant should be fully informed
about any limitations on the interview's confidentiality. The possibility of recording the interview
should be discussed, although permission should also be obtained from the defendant's attorney.
The examiner should be aware of any aspects of the interview and the resulting report that are
covered by statute or accepted practice within the jurisdiction. As an example of the former,
some states require Miranda-like warnings that inform the defendant of the limitations of
confidentiality that may apply. Similarly, other states dictate the form of the report to the court,
and an examiner's report may be excluded if it does not comply with the required format.
In People v. Harris (1983), for example, a psychiatrist's report (that the defendant was
competent) was excluded, and the defendant's subsequent conviction was reversed because the
opinion was presented in conclusory terms and failed to give the clinical facts and reasons upon
which it was based, thus precluding the trier of fact from independently assessing the weight to
be given such an opinion. The current competency statutes in Illinois (as in Florida and Utah) are
in many ways models of this developing trend. They require the examiner to address the facts
upon which the conclusion is based, to explain how the conclusion was reached, to describe the
defendant's mental and physical disabilities and how these impair the ability to understand the
proceedings and assist in the defense, to discuss the likelihood that the defendant will respond to
a specified course of treatment, and to explain procedures that would be employed to compensate
for the defendant's disabilities, if any. We applaud this sort of specification and urge examiners
to adopt the practice, even if it is not mandated in their own jurisdiction.
The conduct of a competency evaluation and the reports prepared for court should therefore be in
complete accord with both the spirit and the letter of contemporary legal standards. The
examiner must therefore be thoroughly acquainted with the legal literature and in some sense
anticipate developments in one's practice. For example, Estelle v. Smith (1981) clearly prohibits
the introduction of material obtained under court-ordered competency proceedings at a "critical"
(guilt or sentencing) stage of trial. Many states mirror this in their statutes but nevertheless do
not regulate the common practice of requesting competency and sanity evaluations at the same
time, often resulting in a combined report. We believe this practice is unfortunate, and
recommend that separate interviews, with distinct reports, be prepared. While a trier of fact is
required to separate these issues, it is cognitively almost impossible to do so when the reports are
combined. A defendant who is clearly psychotic and "legally insane" at the time of an assault
may respond rapidly to treatment upon arrest and be just as non-psychotic and "legally fit" when
actually examined. Caution and fairness dictate keeping the reports separate so that the two
issues can be considered independently by the courts.
This chapter touches upon only a small selection of the vast amount of research and writing on
competence to stand trial. The purpose of this chapter was only to give a brief overview of
competency law, research, and assessment. For a comprehensive review of the recent empirical
research on competence to stand trial, the reader is referred to Grisso (1992) and Cooper and
Grisso (1996). These authors review the research on the evaluation of competence in two 5-year
intervals (1986-1990 and 1991-1995). As well, Nicholson and Kugler (1991) conducted a meta-
analysis using 30 studies and over 8000 defendants that provides a quantitative review of the
comparative research on competence. These references as well as those listed in the introductory
paragraph of this chapter will provide the reader with a more in-depth understanding of
competency to stand trial.
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