Vehicle Central Programs
MM1273 07/12/2021
Abandoned Vehicles
Options for private property owners with an
abandoned vehicle on their property
OPTION 3: Apply to police for authority to demolish
The property owner may complete Iowa DOT Form 411104 Application for Authority to Transfer a Vehicle to a
Demolisher to apply to local law enforcement for the authority to sell, give away, or otherwise dispose of the
vehicle to a demolisher.
If the application is approved and there are no objections from lienholders, the police authority will give the
applicant a certicate of authority, allowing the applicant to obtain a junking certicate for the vehicle within 30
days of receiving the certicate of authority (Iowa Code 321.90.2).
OPTION 1: Contact owners and/or lienholders
The property owner may complete Iowa DOT Form 411401 Request for Vehicle Lienholder Identication, to apply to the
county treasurer in order to get the contact information of all parties with security interests or liens against the vehicle.
For a fee of $3 per vehicle, the county treasurer will furnish a certied copy of any security interests (Iowa Code 321.50.7).
The property owner may then contact the appropriate parties to inform them that the abandoned vehicle is on their
property and make the desired request. (Example: The property owner may want to buy the vehicle or gain the title to the
vehicle, or they may want to call a tow company or demolisher to haul it away.) This method of contact may compel the
owner and any security interests to act on removing or transferring the vehicle.
This option is strictly for direct contact between the private property owner and the lienholders. Other than the
lienholders provided by the county treasurer, there are no provisions for this process in Iowa Code.
OPTION 2: Contact towing and/or police authority to remove the vehicle and
initiate the abandoned vehicle process
The property owner may contact a towing company or local law enforcement to remove the vehicle. They should
explain to the towing company or law enforcement that they have an abandoned vehicle on their property and
wish to have it removed pursuant to the abandoned vehicle process dened by law (Iowa Code 321.89).
Note that neither the towing company nor the police are required to move the vehicle by law.
Iowa Code 321.89 Denes an abandoned vehicle as: a vehicle that has been unlawfully parked on private property or has been
placed on private property without the consent of the owner or person in control of the property for more than twenty-four hours.
Make sure the property owner truly has an abandoned vehicle on their property based on the denition above. If the person
is owed money for a service and has the vehicle in their possession, the following does not apply, unless the person wants to
forgo their possessory lien. Possessory liens apply in situations like mechanics services, self-storage units, rental properties,
etc. The three options listed below are for those who truly have an abandoned vehicle on their private property.
The only ways for the private property owner to get the title for the abandoned vehicle are:
Successful OPTION 1
Buy the vehicle from the towing company or police authority involved in OPTION 2 at a public auction.